Curating the Purse Building group show, No
Two Alike, has been a rewarding and pleasurable experience
for me. I was able to visit each artist in his or her studio
and select pieces for the exhibition from actual work instead
of having to rely on slides of their work. I chose the title
No Two Alike because, having worked in the building
for almost two years myself, I know all the artists and I
appreciate the diversity of their work. Nevertheless, I feared
that the strength of this diversity in style and media might
interfere with the flow or cohesiveness of the exhibit. But
as I visited each artist and saw the work that they wanted
me to consider for the group exhibition I put my fear aside.
The strength of the show is the diversity. Intuitively the
artists produced a cohesive body of work. I am impressed with
inventiveness and the integrity of these artists.